Injuries are the worst - at least for those of you who are consistently active and train regularly. It might be an over-exaggeration but that's how it feels. Obviously, there are many things happening in the world on a daily basis that are far worse than being injured for a smaller period of time, but we tend to not think like that. 82 Days & Counting
Physical Activity, Stress & Mental HealthTopics of discussion:
The first important thing to discuss is that physical activity can take many forms. It does not have to be planned execution of a training programme. It can be spontaneous unplanned activity anywhere that involves physical exertion. Following on from a short discussion on our snapchat recently, it lead to the development of this article to highlight some of the issues that our society now faces. With the explosion of social media, the constant comparisons to instagram stars and the pressure of ones social status with their peers gives exponential growth to the amount of people suffering from mental health issues. Read on below for more.
February 2025